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Crime Prevention Tips on Internet Safety   Last updated 2/18/2008

Cyber Kids

The Internet can be a fun and exciting place filled with learning tools and resources for your child to explore. Children who have access to online services, whether inside or outside the home, enjoy learning about a wide variety of topics, communicating with friends and family by email, chatting with other computer users, and surfing the web.

However, although the Internet offers many positive things, there are times when surfing the Net can also be dangerous. Unless you take adequate precautions, your child might encounter material you find objectionable.

Just as you would not send your children near a busy road without some safety rules, you should not send them to the information superhighway without rules of the road.


  • Set up a master account in your name and do not give your child the password. Many services will allow you to create separate screen names for children, allowing you to block access to inappropriate areas.

  • Place the computer in a room where the whole family usually gathers together, such as the family or living room. This will make it easier for you to keep an eye on your child's Internet activities. Make it clear that if you cannot see what they are doing online, then they cannot do it.

  • Discuss with your child ways to handle certain situations ahead of time. For example, discuss what to do if someone sends them a message over the Internet that scares or threatens them or makes them feel uncomfortable.

  • Consider using blocking software. Many of these products will allow you to control your children's access to certain areas on the Internet.

  • Talk with your children about chat rooms (open forum and private rooms) and avoid these types of Internet communication.


  • Establish a clear set of rules and guidelines for computer use by your children and post them near the computer.

  • Make Internet surfing a family activity and get involved in your children's Internet activities.

  • Help your child find healthy, positive web sites and bookmark them on your computer.

  • Speak openly with your children and encourage them to come to you if they encounter anything that makes them uncomfortable in any way. Encourage them to trust their instincts regarding bothersome material.

  • If your child encounters threatening or obscene material on the Internet, report it to the sender's Internet service provider (ISP) immediately.

  • Watch out for file attachments on email. If you are not sure who they are from, delete it.


  • Be careful and responsible.

  • Never give out his or her name, address, phone number, or school name to anyone online.

  • Never send a picture of themselves or another family member to anyone online without explicit parental permission.

  • Never respond to a messages that are obscene, threatening, or make them feel uncomfortable in anyway.

  • Tell a parent or other trusted adult if they encounter anything on the Internet that makes then uncomfortable.

  • Never enter an area that charges for service without receiving parental permission.

  • Remember that people online may not be whom they seem to be.

  • Follow these rules even when at school or at a friend's house. Children have access to the Internet in many places, but they should know that the same rules apply no matter where they are.