selection process is determined by the Civil Service
Commission, and is published in a "Notice of
Examination" that is given to each qualified applicant
prior to any test being administered. They are required to
maintain a current Eligibility List for the Police
Department. This list will be good for not less than one
year and not more than two years. If the current eligibility
list drops to less than ten candidates, another test may be
administered to provide an adequate number of candidates to
select from.
Due to the size of our
Department vacancies are infrequent. However,
when a vacancy exists an officer will be selected from the
current eligibility list. Depending how you performed on the
written test you will be placed on the list according to
your final score.
The selection process by the
Police Department will use only those rating criteria or
minimum qualifications which are job related and
non-discriminatory. All evaluative aspects of the selection
process will be designed to measure behaviors, traits, or
characteristics as determined by the job task analysis, and
professional psychologists who specialize in the selection
of police recruits. The written test and behavioral
assessment is designed by these types of psychologists, who
have conducted research to show what traits, character, and
behavior leads to a successful contemporary police officer.
The City of St. Bernard and
the St. Bernard Police Department are committed to equality
and fairness in all phases of the selection process. The
Chief of Police or designated representative will work in
conjunction with the Civil Service Commission, to ensure
that all elements of the selection process are administered,
scored, evaluated, and interpreted in a uniform manner.
Operational elements of the selection process, time limits,
oral instructions, answer sheets, and scoring formulas will
be clearly set forth and carried out identically for all
At the time of their
formal application, candidates will be informed in writing
When the current list is
up, the Civil Service Commission will advertise a notice of
competitive examination. This advertisement will normally
include mailings to all St. Bernard Residents, and ads in
the local newspaper classified sections. The Department also
assists in these efforts by faxing and emailing the notice
to Ohio Law Enforcement Agencies, schools and other agencies
where we can increase our recruitment base. We are
constantly looking for new avenues to recruit. If you are a
minority resource and desire to be notified of our vacancies
we would appreciate it if you notify the Chief of Police so
that you can be added to our contact lists.

Listed below is
the latest notice and the requirements for the application,
examination and steps after the examination:
Re-Posted 4/17/08 (Ending age 40 instead of 35)
To establish an eligibility list for duty
the St. Bernard Safety Department as a
Police Officer.
2008 at 9 AM
in Centennial Hall, Lower Level of City
110 Washington Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio
Applications will be accepted Monday –
Fridays, 9AM – 5PM
beginning April 21, 2008 and ending
May 14, 2008
at City Hall, 110 Washington Ave., St.
Bernard, OH
(Full details available there)
Issued by the St. Bernard Civil Service
The City of St. Bernard – an Equal
Opportunity Employer
Residency: Not required, as amended
July 1, 2007.
Application to be Made in Person at St.
Bernard City Hall (ORC 124.25)
Citizenship: All applicants must be
citizens or intending to be citizens of the United States or
legal aliens authorized to be employed. (ORC 124.22)
NOTE: Original appointment as police
officer = no person shall be eligible to receive an original
appointment as a police officer unless she/he is at least
twenty-one (21) and not on or after their fortieth (40)
Hudson Chairman
Terry Behrle Vice Chairman
Joe Niesen Member
Linda K. Carberry Secretary
(513)242-7770 Ex. 17
Issued by the St. Bernard Civil Service Commission
The City
of St. Bernard-an Equal Opportunity Employer

Residency: Not required, as amended July 1,2007.
1. The applicant
must be a citizen of the United States,
2. The Applicant
must be a high school graduate.
3. The Applicant
must have a valid Ohio Driver’s license.
4. Veterans must
attach a copy of proof of active duty (DD214 or Honorable
Discharge Certificate) with the application.
5. Anyone 21
years of age who has not reached their 35th birthday will be
eligible to take the examination.
6. Returned
applications will be time-stamped by the City Clerk to
determine tie breaker in scoring exams.
1. The
Civil Service Commission reserves the right to
conduct a lottery drawing to select those applicants who
will qualify for the exam test.
2. The Applicant
must present PICTURE IDENTIFICATION for admission to the
examination facility.
3. Veterans must
present the original proof of having served on active duty
on the day of the examination to be eligible for Military
Service credit.
4. Passing grade
for this examination will be 75%, not including military
5. Credit for
prior experience is not given for Entry Level Examinations.
Applicants must be willing to submit to the
following: Background Check, Polygraph Test, Personal
Interview, Psychological Examination, Physical Examination
and Physical Ability Test (to be given first).
Applicant must already be certified or successfully complete an approved
Basic Officer Certification program.
The selection process will
be made from the top 10 candidates on the eligibility list.
We have hired both certified and non-certified persons in
the past. If you are selected and not currently certified,
the Department will pay for your training after your hire
1. The top candidates from the written examination will
begin the selection process. As persons drop out due to
ineligibility or decide to drop out of the process, we will
go back to the next person in order on the eligibility list.
2. The top candidates will submit to a physical ability
test. The physical Fitness test is administered by the
Police Department for the Civil Service Commission and
consists of the following:
- Maximum Pushups in one minute (Upper body strength
- Maximum sit-ups in one minute (Lower back/abdomen
- Illinois Agility Run (Mobility/balance)
- 1.5 mile run (Cardiovascular/respiratory evaluation)
The purpose of the physical Fitness testing is to
evaluate cardiovascular/respiratory fitness, upper and lower body
strength, mobility, and balance as they relate to the job
description/performance as a police officer in the City of St. Bernard.
Due to the nature of our work, you must pass this test to continue in the
process. As part of this process, you will be required to obtain your
physicians authorization/release to take part in this testing as well as
the future polygraph test and you will be required to sign an informed
consent form where you are made aware of the totality of the testing and
sign a release waiver agreeing not to hold the City of St. Bernard or
others assisting in the testing liable for any damages.
3. The candidate will complete a Personal History Questionnaire
This document will be later utilized in the selection process when the
Polygraph/CVSA and Psychological tests are completed.
4. A background investigation of each candidate will be conducted prior to
appointment. This will be achieved by a review of data banks, interviews,
and other investigative processes. Personnel used to conduct background
investigations will be trained in collecting the information required for
a complete and thorough investigation. The background investigation will
include at a minimum:
- Verification of qualifying credentials.
- A review of any criminal record.
- Verification of at least three personal
- Review of the application.
5. The St. Bernard Police
Department utilizes the Certified Voice Stress Analyzer
(CVSA) or (Polygraph), during its selection process. No
candidate will be disqualified solely on the results of the
CVSA or Polygraph. The instrument will be used as an
investigative tool, and will assist in the background
investigation. The top candidates will submit to a polygraph
administered by a certified operator who will place the
candidates in three categories, low risk, medium risk, and
high risk. Your physician's authorization is required which
is combined with the physical agility authorization that you
completed at that time.
6. A personal interview will be conducted by the Chief of
Police and his/her staff, Safety Director, and the Mayor.
The primary purpose of the interview is to determine if
there is a compatibility of skills, personality, personal
desires and ability to fit into our size Department. They
will be looking at your education, experience, and
demonstrated success.
Based upon the outcome of
these six(6) selection steps a decision will be made to
make a conditional employment offer to the best-qualified
candidate. The candidate will then be required to do the
- The candidate will submit to an illegal drug screen. You must pass this
test to continue in the process.
- A licensed psychologist who specializes
in the selection of police recruits will conduct a
behavioral assessment. It is designed to assess the
suitability of candidates to successfully perform the
tasks of the contemporary police officer. A designated
psychologist will administer a series of written
exercises and conduct a personal interview. A
comprehensive report identifies personality traits and
serves as a barometer of future performance.
- A medical examination will be conducted
after an initial offer of employment, but prior to a
candidate’s appointment to probationary status to
certify the candidates’ general health is at a level
that will allow them to perform the essential functions
outlined in the position description.
- The candidate will submit
to a second more comprehensive polygraph exam.
If the candidate completes
this process successfully, a letter from the Civil Service
Commission will be issued offering employment to the
candidate. It will include the starting salary and will
articulate the requirements to complete the probationary
period as well as residency requirements.
Candidates determined to
be ineligible for appointment based on a test, examination,
interview, or investigation will be informed in writing of
that decision within 30 days of the date on which the
decision is made.
City of St. Bernard and
the St. Bernard Police Department will comply with all
federal, state and local laws regarding the privacy,
security, and freedom of information of all candidate
records and data. The maintenance, retention and disposal of
all public records are performed in accordance with Ohio
Public Records Law and the Records Retention Schedule of the
Ohio Historical Society. The applications of individuals not
appointed to probationary status will be retained for a
period of one year or for the life of the eligibility list
whichever is longer. No records will be destroyed or
otherwise disposed of without the review and approval of the
Ohio Historical Society. Applications will be maintained by
the Civil Service Commission.
Without doubt, the hiring
process is rigorous and very demanding. However, it ensures
that only the most qualified and capable person is offered
employment. At that point, it is up to the agency to provide
the necessary values, training and resources to hone those
abilities into a St. Bernard Police Officer who is ready to
serve the community in a manner in which they have grown
Good luck in your quest
for employment as a St. Bernard Police Officer. This is one
of the most demanding and rewarding professions around. We
have been serving our community proudly since 1878 and hope
to serve with you in the future extending that thin blue
line that protects and serves our community. If you have any
questions in the selection process, you may contact our City
Civil Service Commission at City Hall, telephone
